How to install renewable energy across your building portfolio at scale

Property owners of all types and sizes stand to benefit from installing onsite clean energy, but implementation is slow. Let's talk about why that is and how to fix it.

Written by Richard Ling on
onsite solar marketplace

How Three Pillars is using solar to unlock greater ROI

Station A CEO Kevin Berkemeyer, and Three Pillars CEO Yoel Kelman, discuss how RV park developers can benefit from onsite solar.

Written by Kevin Berkemeyer on
onsite solar podcast projects

How supply chain constraints are affecting commercial solar

Michelle Davis, Principal Analyst at Wood Mackenzie, helps us understand the factors affecting the solar supply chain and the downstream projects. 

Written by Kevin Berkemeyer on
onsite solar education podcast

How the IRA will impact your clean energy project

Station A CEO Kevin Berkemeyer, and Forum Mobility CEO Matt LeDucq, get to the gist of how the Inflation Reduction Act will impact clean energy projects.

Written by Kevin Berkemeyer on
financing policy podcast

The nitty gritty of power purchase agreements

We teamed up with the PPA experts at Sustainable Capital Finance to ask how PPAs stack up to other clean energy financing options.

Written by Richard Ling on
ppa education podcast

All you need to know about subscribing to community solar

How community solar works and the process for pursuing a project.

Written by Albert Ching on
community solar education

Launching EV charging and community solar Report Cards

This latest release adds an analysis of the feasibility and financial return of adding community solar or EV charging to a building site.

Written by Albert Ching on
community solar ev charging product

How to understand your commercial EV charging choices

A deep dive into electric vehicle charging equipment.

Written by Christian Czezatke on
ev charging education

Partnering with Beach Cities Solar Consulting

We’re partnering with Beach Cities to help their clients analyze and procure clean energy at scale.

Written by Richard Ling on
company partnership

Top 3 mistakes building owners make when going solar

Avoid these pitfalls when procuring clean energy for your commercial building.

Written by Richard Ling on