At Station A, we strive to ensure that all proposals submitted through our marketplace are accurately represented, giving providers the best chance to win RFPs. One of the ways we achieve this is through our new product feature: the Fixing Period.

🔧 What is the Fixing Period?

The Fixing Period is a short window of time immediately following the close of project submissions. During this period, providers have the opportunity to review and correct any question responses that Station A has flagged. A question might be flagged because the answer is unclear, a numeric response is off by a magnitude of error, or Station A has reason to believe that a response was accidentally input incorrectly. The Fixing Period allows providers to make adjustments to any accidental errors, ensuring their proposals accurately reflect their offerings.

Fixing blog

During the Fixing Period, orange highlighted forms contain question responses that have been flagged by Station A.

🤔 Why is the Fixing Period Important?

  • Accuracy: Ensures that proposals are as precise and clear as possible.
  • Flexibility: Offers providers a chance to correct mistakes without penalty, giving more control over how a proposal is presented to the buyer.
  • Transparency: Facilitates better communication between providers and the buyer, leading to a smoother RFP process.

Fixing blog (2)

For each flagged question, providers can edit their response, post a comment for Station A, and submit the response back for review.

🤔 What happens if providers don’t participate?

The Fixing Period is a provider-friendly feature designed to improve the quality of proposals. Providers receive daily emails when they have a proposal with outstanding flagged questions. Resolving questions during the Fixing Period is optional but highly recommended, as it provides a final opportunity to ensure that all aspects of the proposal are well understood by both Station A and the buyer. If a provider is not able to fix all the responses that have been flagged, the proposal will simply be presented to the buyer as-is. There is no negative consequence if you miss questions during the Fixing Period - this is simply an opportunity to add more clarity to the proposal.

By taking advantage of the Fixing Period, providers can ensure that their proposals are presented in the best possible light.