Station A's marketplace listed its first project in 2021 and thanks to our amazing buyer and provider network has grown to 199 MW of projects successfully listed through the end of June. Ahead of RE+ in Anaheim, California, we wanted to share some of the latest stats from our marketplace, including a few that we are releasing for the first time. 

📍Large Pipeline of Well-Qualified Projects

Station A is trusted by the companies leading the world in decarbonizing their significant onsite portfolios. We spend significant resources qualifying not just our buyers for their readiness to move forward on a project but also the projects themselves for financial upside, interconnection risks, roof conditions and timely local incentives. 
To date, Station A's marketplace:

  • Pre-Qualified Demand: 85 GW of capacity has been pre-qualified by Station A portfolios in the past 12 months alone.
  • Indicative Demand: 145 MW in Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) have been listed across 311 sites. RFQs are usually the first step towards an RFP.
  • Qualified Demand: 54 MW in Requests for Proposals (RFPs) have been listed across 154 sites in 11 states. RFPs is when a project is awarded to a provider.
  • Installed Demand: 6 MW of projects across 4 sites that have been awarded have been installed and are commercially operating to date.

⚖️ Not a Race-to-the-Bottom

Competitive bidding can be a scary proposition for providers who face a lot of risk and uncertainty when they propose a project. Station A works hard to ensure a balanced and fair bidding process, collecting information beyond pure economics to give our buyers a holistic picture of which provider could be the best match for their given project.
Not only do these stats below (many of which we are showing for the first time) support the reality that our marketplace is not a race-to-the-bottom but is also evidenced that 45% of our bidders are repeat even if they do not always win a project they bid into.

  • Bids per Project: On average, there have been 6 bids per RFP that has been listed on the Station A marketplace.
  • Bid Spread: This competition, while higher than a provider might like, is crucial for our buyers who are vulnerable to a wide range of bids for the same project. The average bid spread, the difference between high and low bids calibrated by median system size, for all-cash RFPs is still at 58% of a project's CAPEX, which on average is $1M.
  • Lowest Bidder Wins: Despite the wide range in prices, only 38% of projects are awarded to the bid with the best economics. Economics certainly still matter to our buyers but experience and other points of differentiation will increasingly matter especially for an installation that has a 20 to 25 year lifetime.
  • Win Rate: 15% of providers who have bid on a project have successfully won a project which reflects that idea that no one provider is winning all the projects (in fact, none has won more than 3 projects to date).
  • Repeat Bidders: Despite the fact that this is the first time we are releasing some of the marketplace stats above, we are glad to see that 45% of our bidders have bid more than once, which we hope is a testament to a process that we work hard to keep fair and transparent.

😎 Join us!

Station A invites you to join its vibrant network of clean energy providers for free. By becoming a part of this community, you gain access to a wealth of projects and a streamlined process that prioritizes fairness and quality over mere cost-cutting.

For clean energy developers and financiers looking to expand their reach and secure more projects, Station A offers a balanced, fair, and opportunity-rich environment. With its extensive project listings and commitment to a fair bidding process, Station A stands out as the go-to marketplace for commercial building decarbonization. Join today and be part of the future of clean energy solutions.

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