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What could a repeal of the IRA mean for commercial solar economics?

Written by Albert Ching | 2024-03-05

Station A runs the most open, transparent and streamlined competitive process for onsite renewable energy projects in the US powered by the most extensive and engaged qualified provider network.

With the potential for a change in administration in the upcoming presidential election, there is speculation surrounding the impact on various legislative actions, including the landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Let's delve into the potential paths for the IRA under a new administration and how it could affect commercial solar economics in 2024 and beyond.

🧐 Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act

Before diving into potential changes, it's essential to understand what the IRA encompasses. Signed into law by President Joe Biden, the IRA aims to curb inflation by making historic investments in energy and climate projects, lowering prescription drug prices, and imposing minimum taxes on large corporations. It represents a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions and enhancing the affordability of healthcare and energy.

🤥 The Previous Administration's Stance

The former president's previous tenure was marked by a deregulatory approach, particularly concerning environmental and energy policies. His administration focused on promoting fossil fuel industries, rolling back environmental protections, and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. Given this history, a return to the previous administration could signal a shift away from the clean energy incentives and environmental protections embedded within the IRA.

🤔 Potential Paths for the IRA

Under a new administration, several scenarios could unfold regarding the IRA:

  1. Repeal Efforts: The most direct impact would be attempts to repeal the IRA. This move would likely face significant challenges in Congress, especially if the Democrats hold any part of it. Repeal efforts would also meet resistance from the public and industries that benefit from the IRA's incentives for clean energy and healthcare.
  2. Executive Actions and Regulatory Rollbacks: Even without a full repeal, a new administration could weaken the IRA through executive actions and regulatory changes. This could involve altering enforcement priorities, delaying the implementation of certain provisions, or reinterpreting regulations to minimize their impact.
  3. Legal Challenges: The administration could support legal challenges against the IRA, particularly those provisions that are controversial or seen as overreaching by conservative groups. This could tie up key components of the law in court, effectively delaying or blocking their implementation.
  4. Impact on Climate Policy: A significant shift away from the IRA's climate initiatives would have profound implications for the U.S.'s climate policy and its leadership on global environmental issues. It could hinder progress towards carbon neutrality goals and affect global efforts to combat climate change.
  5. Economic and Healthcare Implications: The IRA's provisions aimed at reducing healthcare costs and promoting renewable energy have broader economic implications. Altering or repealing these provisions could affect drug prices, energy costs, and the overall direction of the U.S. economy, particularly in sectors poised to benefit from the transition to clean energy.

💵 The Impact of Repeal on Commercial Solar Economics

Repealing the IRA’s 30% ITC could reduce a project's ROI by 41% based on a sample $1M All-cash project.

🔮 Looking Ahead

While it's clear that a new administration could have significant implications for the IRA, the extent of these changes would depend on various factors, including the composition of Congress, legal challenges, and public opinion.

Stakeholders in the energy, healthcare, and environmental sectors would need to stay vigilant, adapting their strategies to navigate the shifting policy landscape. The future of the IRA under a new administration remains uncertain, with potential for significant policy shifts. As the political landscape evolves, so too will the dialogue around these critical issues, underscoring the importance of informed debate and engagement from all sectors of society.

👋 Station A can help

If you are wondering if now is a good time to take advantage of the IRA's generous incentives for commercial solar, please reach out to the friendly team at Station A to learn more.